
Project limitation is base on total number of addresses that added to your project!

EVM Tracker is your go-to solution for tracking and monitoring addresses across various EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchains. We believe in providing flexibility to meet your project's unique needs, and here's how our project limitations work:

🔍 Address Tracking Flexibility: At EVM Tracker, we understand that your project may require monitoring addresses across multiple EVM blockchains. We've designed our system to be as flexible as possible. Each single address you add to your project counts as +1 towards your project's limitation.

🧩 Example: If your project needs to track one address across 03 (three) different EVM chains, it counts as +3 towards your project's limitation.

🚀 Unlimited Transaction Alerts for Tracking Addresses: When it comes to transaction alerts for your tracked addresses, we believe in removing limitations. You can set up an unlimited number of transaction alerts for all your tracking addresses, ensuring that you're always in the loop about the activity within your project.

EVM Tracker empowers your project with the ability to track addresses seamlessly across multiple EVM blockchains, providing the data and insights you need to make informed decisions. Our focus is on giving you the flexibility and control to manage your project effectively without unnecessary constraints.

Join us today and experience the freedom to monitor and track addresses across EVM blockchains without limitations. EVM Tracker is here to support your project's success.

--> See our Pricing table to sellect which package suitable for your requirements.

Last updated